William gets eggstatic whenever I bring new trains to run on his layout. He’s so eggciting to watch. Today we have an eggample of what you get when you take two ends from an Aristocraft observation passenger car, screw them together, and power them with a motor block. The Egghauler was destined to come soon after
William eggemplifies what it is to be the perfect Godson. To be eggxact he is my Grandson, but as we all know, Grandkids can be Angelic, but a Godson is Divine! The eggstent of his enthusiasm for large scale trains is eggactly what every little boy (and girl) should eggperiance when growing up. He has a few eggxtra trains that he shares with his bothers and sisters. His desire to teach them the proper way to enjoy our hobby is eggceptional.